Monday, October 11, 2010

Lost/ Stolen Portfolio! Please help....

During the breakdown at New York Comic Con, my portfolio of original drawings went missing. It is large- at least 24" x 18" , black and had about 12 original drawings inside. Any info would be extremely appreciated. Thank you - Scott

These are some of the drawings that I know were in there. I will add more as I remember them and find the scans. Thanks again- all the help is much appreciated.


Jessie said...

That's horrible news luv. I have forwarded the news the best I can! Good luck!

Tom Kidd said...

I know what this feels like. Sorry. Good luck with locating it.

Boldheadstudio said...

ah damn, best of luck for getting it back pal :(

Ralph Horsley said...

Very sorry to hear that Scott. Sorry I can't do more than pass the newws on via my own blog and the like, but let's hope enough of us doing so makes some difference.

Steven Belledin said...

Had no idea this happened. People suck. I'll make note of it and keep my eyes open. I'll also write it up on the old blog as soon as I can. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I hope whoever stole them gets punched in their genitals and ate by that illustrated shark.

Fantastic pics BTW.

ATOM said...

Sorry to hear this, its every artists worst nightmare.

Unknown said...

I cant believe someone would do that to you. Well, to anyone, in all honesty, but its worse that its you seeing as how nice of a person you are. I really hope that by some miracle this person is caught, or returns it to you, know how people are...

Constanza Ehrenhaus said...

Will be reposting. Hopefully the portfolio will show up.

Lauren K Cannon said...

I'm so, so sorry this happened. People suck. Someone stole a painting from my college's studio a few years ago; I can't imagine a whole portfolio being taken. My painting mysteriously turned up in a stairwell 6 weeks later... so you never know. Live in hope.

I came here to thank you for being so wonderful at NYCC on Sunday. It was such a pleasure meeting you and David. Thanks for all the advice and encouragement. :) See you at Illuxcon. Best of luck finding your portfolio.

norah.wolfie said...

I can empathise, recently one of my nearly-filled sketchbooks got stolen by a fellow art student, no idea who it was, but months of sketches down the drain. Hope you get your stuff back asap somehow.

Unknown said...

wow - you guys are amazing people. Thanks so much for all the support. Makes me proud to be art of such an amazing community. Let's face it - illustrators are awesome. Thanks for spreading the word out . I wish I could write back to each of you individually, but I am completely wiped out from the convention, and all this nasty portfolio nonsense. Oh -and a big thanks to those who had me cracking up in these responses- you know who I am talking about ;)

I have a meeting with an officer from the 10th Precinct Thursday. As expected , I really couldn't decipher if had any info. It kind of sounded like he did...and then I wasn't so sure. I'll let you know how it turns out. Truthfully after Thursday, I may let it go. If it's gone, I'd rather move on. You can use that rhyme in a song if you like :)

Thanks so much everyone- you are incredible.
Hugs , handshakes, and a pat on the butt

Anonymous said...

Sounds like my worst nightmare, I am so sorry this happened. Such amazing art is now somewhere with a douchebag. I hope it'll turn up quickly in good condition.

Lady Deirdre said...

Spreading the word via Twitter:

I hope you get your portfolio back, and I hope whoever stole it gets covered in pissed-off ants and hungry mosquitoes. Or comes home to find ten angry letters from the IRS (>_<)

Sirielle said...

Retweeted, reposted at FB. I'm sorry to hear it, hope you'll get the drawings back. But I suggest taking prints to such events, not originals, just in case.

Kari Christensen said...

This is terrible! What a nightmare. The word is spreading fast- hopefully your work will be found soon.

Ray Bonilla said...

Dam dude . sorry to hear about the drawings. I'll put up a twitter post asking around. Good Luck

Eric Braddock said...

Oh man! I hope it finds its way back to you... :\ that's such a shame, I'll be sure to keep my eyes and ears open for you dude..

Unknown said...

Hey guys- wanted to thank you for spreading the word and more importantly -for those funny comments!

Not much of an update, but something interesting. I met with the officer at the 10th Precinct, who was great and really helpful. He reenforced how important it is that our "community" spreads the word and that is how they caught a similar theft during the same convention. Makes you rethink how important our network is and how to use it! So thanks again everyone - you all rock.

Vinod Rams said...

Ugh, that's horrible news Scott. It takes a special type of asshole to steal from an artist. Hopefully he'll do something stupid and you'll be able to find out who he is. Whenever this happens I feel like every art school in the country should be notified so they can look for your art in student portfolios!

Nikola said...

Im in the Uk but I will still keep a look out online for them incase they show up for sale. So sorry to hear of this loss. Take care and I hope they are returned to you soon.

Unknown said...

Vinod - Nice to hear from you dude. Yeah - I was talking to a few people about how stealing art seems like a filthier , sleazier crime than stealing merchandise from a store. C'mon - a drawing isn't a massed produced product. There's only one, and one person did it. And it's not like it was stolen out of necessity. A load of bread for your kid - sure. Steal away. A drawing ? tsk tsk. ...
Hope all is well with you sir!

Nikola- Thanks so much! I wouldn't take too much of your precious time with it. In a way I feel I've taken too much of my time, and everyone else's time with this debacle. If it shows up at this point- great. If not- okay. I'll make new drawings :)

anthony t w myers said...

man i hope you come of it soon, so sorry to hear about that book being stolen.

Patrick j Jones said...

That's tough, Scott, sorry to hear it my friend.

Tammie Lee said...

geeze, I am so sorry to hear this. Hopefully it was misplaced and you will get a phone call any minute!

Your art is incredible. Loved looking at each one of these. Yes continue on!