Oct.2 - cover
Thanks to everyone for dropping by and leaving the good words of support. Always good to hear your thoughts- critique, praise...I welcome it all.
Here's another cover I did for the fine folks at Harper Collins. This was a pretty cool story as the author, Katherine Langrish, draws from old Welsh tales (I believe Welsh) which gives it a really unique flavor in a very saturated genre.
When I submitted the sketches, they liked them all, and wanted to "frankenstein" a bit of each into one. The heroic pose from the first one, the setting and in the 2nd, and the horses in the background in the 3rd. I was just asked to leave out the "elf" creature. Although she is a major part of the story, she is a wild, feral looking thing, and they did not want to scare away younger readers. Would have been fun to include her...but I understand their point.
All digital - which I am slightly regretting, because I think it would have made nice oil. I gotta get those oils out more...the shame....the guilt.....